BLUE ICE the music video

BLUE ICE the music video

Blue Ice, was released as a YouTube video by Johnny B, who composed the music specifically for HYSOC, recorded the group in his sound studio, and edited and produced the music video. The work showcases the talent and exuberance of HYSOC members as they hike with their instruments over the Saddle Trail to Glacier Lake to perform in front of massive icebergs melting near the shoreline.

The video also highlights the retreat of Grewingk Glacier and the often conflicting emotions we feel when confronted with climate change in Alaska.

Blue Ice Video

Music by Johnny B.
Producer and director, John Bushell
Daniel Perry, Conductor
Clyde Clemens, Avram Salzmann, cello
Lawson Alexson-Walls, Iris Downey, bass
Rosy Kauffman, Sylvia Clemens, Neviya Reed, Morgan Whiteside, violins
Theodore Hanley, viola
Drone images by John Bushell, Ash Churchill and Biyi Akinlude
Video editing by Biyi Akinlude
Audio editing assistance by Kevin Duff